everything is shrouded in superstition today. everything is a declarative omen. yesterday, after passing thru the cafeteria, i saw a penny wrapped in a napkin on the linoleum floor. after passing it by, i thought better of it and went to grab it up. after walking a few minutes with the filthy copper in my hand i figured it was more propitious to wish on such a thing than to keep it. i closed my eyes and sent it sailing to the root of a nearby monkey-pod tree. there!!!
today, after several days of beautiful sunshine,i woke up to find it raining! hurrah! my favorite weather!! (no,really. i mean it!!) another sign that the gods have smiled on me - to be sure!!!
why all this momentary superstition, you ask? today - is the day - that i have eagerly and anxiously anticipated for the past 6 months, maybe longer. this evening my show - all 45 glistening minutes of it - enjoys its opening (and closing) night. i don't expect a large crowd ( we fumbled on the flyers and publicity for this thing), i don't expect accolades or anything really from it. well, but actually - that's not true.
i expect everything from this. it may well be the first time in my life where i have seen something good - and honest - and of my own creative stirrings - brought to life. for 45 minutes, i get to have a taste of something of worth - something sublime. a moment....to...shine. it has nothing to do with the stage and the lights and the audience - and almost everything to do with seeing something i've held so close to me - now - come to life.
so... with fingers crossed and breath that is baited... (plus maybe some salt tossed over my left shoulder)... let's just see what we can do.
1 comment:
Break a leg, Amy!
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