Oh... how very propitious to start off my first post with an over-used drama-ism..... No matter. this is a record of sorts. I am in the process of finishing up my first ever, semi-brilliant, yet oh-so-mediocre attempt at a one-woman-show.. ta-da!!!
So far the experience has been humbling and enlightening. There are days when I can go back - see what I have created - and like a self-aggrandizing demi-god, I look down and can happily say, "It is good." But far more frequently, there are the days when I look over what amounts to months of work - endless smoke breaks and hours staring at a blurry computer screen - and I have to ask... just what is it all worth?
But these are the question I must ask. Like the content of the show itself, the question I am asking right now - is how to find my footing... how to abandon all the rules and bougeois standards I've adhered to for so long.. and finally carving out a path that makes sense...
These are the first few tentative steps... the teetering, shy fumblings... and I'm putting them in print... To share the first few moments. To document them here - so perhaps, when the time has come.. and I can say with some certainty that I'm sorta getting the hang of this here thang... I can look back and smile - remember the journey.. and perhaps just see - how far I've come...
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