what's the saying? with every door closing a window opens? or somesuch nonsense like that? well, no, i speak too soon -it's true. i adore sayings like that. fact is i'm the type of gal who'll eat a few too many of those less-than-stellar cookies at chinese food just so i can bask in the pleasure of a few extra well-penned fortunes...
"you will be much prosperous this year!"
"many happy returns!"
"give the world a hug - & a pony."
i get off on those little cheesy expressions. they somehow help to steer me thru the present mess. they wrap life's little worries up in a little box and a big fluffy bow and say HEY! it's gonna be okay.
but sadly, i seems to me i may have outgrown such pre-packaged sentiments. what is it about these days????
here's the deal:
the holidays are over - the time for family togetherness has subsided - i just came back from one of the most extensive and amazing trips of my life - and... there's a big fat WHAT NOW trolling thru my head.. maybe it's just the time of year, the time of life, what have you, but right about now... it may be time to bust out the psychic tool kit, if you will... cuz all my preverbial doors have gone and closed.. and at the moment.. the window's looking good & shut to boot...
it just leaves me thinking... what now???
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