...ahh, yes, let the world utter a collective sigh of relief! let is step down from its' precious tippy-toes! that's right! the "feet" girl has returned! here to regale you all with tales of my inner tumult and tenacity! put down whatever insipid reading material you grasp at this moment! lay aside whatever trivialities dot your psychic landscape! that's right! she has returned! and she's still...looking for those damn feet.
well, in a manner of speaking. it has been a journey - quite literally - these past few months - traversing the globe with my man, my partner. waking up in a different corner of the world each week, and finding my place in it. lovely, heartbreaking, heart-opening, all that. but more on that later.
now i find myself back on planet earth (or at least the north-western hemisphere) and i am ready to put myself back on the page. show up and see what awaits me. begin the process of birth and crawling, all that, all over again.
it seems only fitting to me, as this page was started as a means to cross one major hurdle in my life - my first ever one-woman-show!(Ta-Dah!!)- it should re-commence with the advent of yet another major milestone - applying to grad school! (Shit. Not quite the same ring.) this brings up all sorts of questions and anxieties for me - things like the nature of art, myself as artist, success and how to define it, will they see that i am really just a mediocre worm???? etc. etc. etc.
but there will be ample time for these private neuroses later. for now, gather round, ye faithful few, sing with me those who know the tune.... i am here. again. and ready to plant my feet on solid ground. if only for the moment....
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