day 1. of what i am referring to as the "temple" project.. as in... your body is your temple, that old adage.. and really i am excited. because here i am. 29.
... and i find the past 10-15 years of my life i have managed to thoroughly explore the other end of the spectrum... "body as carnival ride..." or.."ill-advised science experiment"... or perhaps, less politely.. body as "garbage heap". come! toss whatever you may in me! i can take it! eating disorders! substance abuse! lousy boyfriends and random sexual partners! let 'er rip! woo-hoo!!!
sheesh. and one wonders why one does not always feel one's brightest nor best. so. i thank thee. late teens and early twenties. for showing me thoroughly, completely, unabashedly the extents to which i can push my body, my spirits, my psyche... and still emerge relatively unscathed, unbattered... still whole. some how.
and so here we are. day one. cuz what would it feel like? to really take care of this little vessel 'o mine? nourish it in every possible way... my thoughts, my food, each action taken... how brightly can a thing shine? how loud & clear can the damn bell ring? i aim to find out. so. today.
5 times around (with my trusty little mutt =)the little loop trail that encircles my forested home. 30 minutes. a scant bit more than 2 miles. (a record-maker i am not.) no coffee. just tea. lots of vegetables & a teeth cleaning to boot! woo-hoo! so like a teetering soul just new to recovery i breathlessly remind myself...
one step at a time.. one step at a time... and hopefully.. the journey from an aimless pile of bricks... to a thing of hallowed beauty is not... so very.. far. ...
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