a wise word from my teacher this week.... sitting in a circle with this group of very healthy, very bright, very through-and-through yogic women.... we do cleanses, we meditate, we sign off e-mails with words like blessings & "with much light"... we can balance on our hands and chant to shiva....
and in the midst of this, knee-deep in some esoteric indic philosophy.. my teacher says this.... that we must sometimes journey into the darkness... settle there for a moment even.. for it is from the darkness that the light emerges...
if we are ever pushing towards this "light" - those heady feelings of bliss, connectedness, beauty, contentment, joy... we must also be willing to explore its counter as well... for how can one know bliss without sorrow? know the depth and boundlessness of human joy if we have not first met our deepest sadness... if one has not known pain, how can one then rejoice in that miraculous moment when, at last, the pain has lifted.. and the wound has healed...
and for someone such as myself... one who knows the weight of melancholy... this deep, lingering shadow, forever etched on the walls of the house in which i dwell.. any house... it doesn't matter.. for someone like me... so acquainted with the dark... like my own skin... these.. THESE... are the words..
i am so needing to hear.
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