...well, we did it. ask and you shall receive. 3 days of music & yoga with me and my man. leaving thursday morning with a lovely chest-rattling, pre-pneumatic cough... and coming off of 5 bleary days of bed rest, i was ready!!!! to be reborn, to be renewed... inspired... salvaged.. awakened.... split wide open... and so it seems, i have.
the recap: four nights ensconced in a little froo-froo mountain village, surrounded by tight-bodied yogis & high-on-ecstasy & wheatgrass yoginis. each one a bit more gentrified & ethereal than the last... i-phones in hand, eighty-dollar rubber mats at the ready... we're going to get fit, people! oh yeah, and enlightened, if we get to that too. my first thoughts on morning one is that this most assuredly is not the spot for me... too messy, a little too soft & jiggly in the spots i ought to be hard & sleek.... and yet..... if you can just stay open... listening... watchful... available... that which you seek... that which your heart is seeking, longing for... yearning quietly and endlessly toward... will meet you, overtake you, come. to. you.
one teacher put it best... stand in the center of your mat. your feet are grounded to the earth beneath you. arms reach up toward the sky. hands held outward. and from here you reach - up - out - toward - opening your entire self up - reaching toward your dreams... toward blessing.. toward life.. toward God... and then from there... pulling that energy back down toward you.... splay wide open the heart.. and just... RECEIVE.
Sorry, gentle reader, for the flowery, esoteric musings of this morning. it's simply just where my songbirds sing today.... more notes to come as i touch back down on terra firma soon.... and hopefully something you can scoop up, put in your pocket... and carry with you.. along the way...
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