GREAT-full. Yup. I'm waxing cheesy in this, my "old age". Just happy for the blessed contour of life. you ride the wave..sometimes to its very depths, its tumultuous bottoms.. and you stare at the bottom for a spell.. wondering when, if ever, you will come up for air.. return to the land of the living, the sun up above... the fresh air.. once more. and so you hold your breath, hunker down for another self-imposed purgatory.. and then... and then... it greets you once more.
LIFE. in all its glorious, beautiful bounty.. full of people and light and love and swirling, amassing potential.. and you are granted this place - amidst, among the swim of it all... so thank you.. Life.. Love.. Boundless, Uncontrollable Universe... for this lovely moment.. atop the spinning globe.....
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