well. the time has come. again. re-load. re-boot. re-do. with merely a scant five-and-a-half weeks left before i remount my new, god-only-hopes improved one-woman-show (quite a few little hyphens to this morning's post, eh???) - i am tempted to say it - i'm fucked. but no matter. the goal this week? nose to the grindestone. and hard. we wanna see gravel in those pores!!! 4 hours of writing a day, re-vamping, editing, revising, whatnot. and hopefully, what will emerge at the end of the week, will be a thing of power, precision, poetry!!! resist the urge to do that extra load of dishes that is taunting you from afar, check the e-mail, feed the dog....
do not pass go, do not collect one million dollars. just. write. like your life depends upon it. and then. do it some more. to all my friends and family, whom i have every intention of utterly abandoning this week.... wish me luck! hopefully what shall emerge shall be a slightly brighter me & a spot of color on my now-blank-canvas....
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