re-write the show! do the yoga! feed the cat! eat your vegetables! bake a pie! it's the week of beginnings. a week off work, closing escrow on the new home, yoga teacher training, beginning the daunting process of re-mounting my one-woman-show. i am in one of those times and spaces where you have to catch yourself - remind yourself that there is much more going on than flits immediately to the surface.
and sometimes there's so very much to process there's really no room for commentary... nothing much to say... but i want to be here- back on the page - the check in - the practice. the hey there - just how the hell are ya....
so hello. again. nothing deep or probing, just a meek and jubilant greeting as i try once again to put it down in writing - to document the steps i take - to wiggle my toes, find my feet beneath me - and trace the path to come...
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