Wednesday, November 25, 2009

...try that one on for size...

when it comes to the path one ultimately takes in life, it seems like everybody's got somethin' to say...
~from my grandmother who spoon-fed me on showtunes and judy garland numbers - "oh, Amy, you're just our little star now, aren't you?" (twinkle, twinkle.)
~from my mother, the near-compulsive pianist - "oh, she's a musician. see just how naturally she takes to it!" (clutch palm to chest in twain.)
~the grandpa who liked to deliver lectures on photosynthesis & refractive light on our vacation weekends @ his home - "just think of what a mind like that could do in the profession of LAW - now wouldn't that be sumthin'?"
~the other grampa the preacher - "i doesn't matter what you do just as long as you're a good Baptist!"
~the younger sibling - "you're a Dork."
~from my cat - "my food dish is empty."

but in the end it seems the one thing everybody can agree on is this: "She's a writer." which serves as both a blessing and a curse - on the one hand it's always nice to gain recognition for something you spend so much considerable time on - on the other hand, then what? has the world decreed that this ought to be my path and nothing else? do i have any say in the matter? what if i still wanna be something - anything - a yogi, a painter, a clown, the next Laurie Anderson or Billie Holiday, a butcher, a baker, a friggin' candlestick maker????

i know 27 seems a little old to still be in that place of "figuring it out". but i don't care. i think you just gotta keep moving - love the things that come your way - plant the seeds you want to grow - and thank ya' kindly for the words of wisdom along the way... cuz my head's just kinda' big - to full of dreams and music that i haven't sung yet. and i'm not quite ready to squeeze it all into one tiny hat.

Monday, November 23, 2009

..hello hello....

re-write the show! do the yoga! feed the cat! eat your vegetables! bake a pie! it's the week of beginnings. a week off work, closing escrow on the new home, yoga teacher training, beginning the daunting process of re-mounting my one-woman-show. i am in one of those times and spaces where you have to catch yourself - remind yourself that there is much more going on than flits immediately to the surface.

and sometimes there's so very much to process there's really no room for commentary... nothing much to say... but i want to be here- back on the page - the check in - the practice. the hey there - just how the hell are ya....

so hello. again. nothing deep or probing, just a meek and jubilant greeting as i try once again to put it down in writing - to document the steps i take - to wiggle my toes, find my feet beneath me - and trace the path to come...