here is to be.. the first of ohsoerymany posts... MY FIRST DAY OF PHYSICAL THEATRE SCHOOL!!!! and herein, gentle reader, the answers to all of the pressing questions shall be reckoned with.. questions such as, but not to be limited to...
* are you really paying good money just to perfect your cartwheels and find your inner clown???
* what the F@%! is physical theatre anyway???
* in this day and age (read: impending doom/economical crisis) can one really afford/justify a life in the arts????
* was there full-frontal nudity involved???
* did you have yourself a good time there, amy-doll?
* & ... gee-gosh-golly... where is this all going??!!??
the answers to all of the above would read a jubilant and excellent.. YES!!!
my day consisted of games, silliness, and inspiration. tomorrow, we ( 2 other classmates & i) prepare a 3-minute skit consisting of '80s fashion, the words "elbow" & "and so i said" & some various song&dance numbers. on monday, i believe, we get a thorough tour of the facilities, learn the geometry of the perfect back flip and perhaps solve the existetial query of existence.
i'm tellin' ya... it's like i've finally come home. a crazy, silly, bag-full-of-laughter and art and meaningful home. ahhhhhh.....
OH. and for the informationally-inclined... visit www.dellarte.com... that's where it all takes place!!!
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