ooh, yes, indeedy! how the universe does provide!!! ha ha!!!!
this week was a very good thing, indeed. sometime ago, the powers that be provided me with a couple of beautiful, rockin' older sisters - in the form of two wonderful roomates - a couple years older than me - and lifetimes ahead of me - as far as self-assuredness, a certain comfortable-ness with life and an indefinite "je nous se qua" that made them perfect for the part.
this week i heard back from not one - but both!!! - of them. they wished me well and imbued me with their own lovely form of wit and wisdom. spiritual nutrition in the form of a well-penned e-mail! thank you, julia and mary!!! oh how i miss you both!!!
and today... the unveiling, if you will. after condensing 34 pages worth of mediocre material into a more tolerable 20-page, 40-minute long diatribe on all things me and mine - i stood in my living room and delivered my little schpeal to 4 very lovely and tolerant friends.
in return for bearing my soul, as it were, and providing them with some free beer - they rewarded me with praise and laughter and thanks and smiles. i still find myself a bit drunk on their warm reception.
sooo... a good start. this will go on. i gleefully anticipate the future for this infantile project. and for the first time in a long time.. i smilingly think to myself.....
...... i just might have something here........
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