5 months!!! how could it be?!!!? my beloved,oft-neglected little bit 'o cyberspace. ....
and so it is. here i find myself, scant time later... wanting to take this whole scha-bang into a somewhat different direction... literally, figuratively... always one for the "big ideas", lofty ambitions, head lacksidasically peering thru the clouds while maintaining only the most meager connection to the ground below, i find it time to shift gears. ....
howso you ask? easy. for the next nine months (nope. sorry to disappoint folks. empty oven remains. =) i shall be devoting these pages to the very real placement of my feet, one in front of the other, endless-gauntlet like in order to meet the more earthbound goal of (drumroll please...) participating in this little baby...
......... 9 months. 26.2 miles. and it seems a rather fitting 30th birthday present to myself ( february 28th but, hell, who's asking?=) so... beginning manana to be exact... june 1st.... follow the very real highs and lows of this little misadventure... if you dare.... to see just where exactly... these feet of mine.. may carry me.