the question always lingers somewhere in my mind. "so when you gonna get a real job?" to date i have managed to pull off a successful impersonation of the following... waitress, piano teacher, manager @ a bagel shop, sales clerk, barista, musical accompanist, glorified babysitter & professional girlfriend.
Conversely, I have also managed to sink thousands into the study of.... aspiring yogini, actress, singer, dancer, and just generally aspiring to be the next judy garland or laurie anderson.
so the question i ask myself again & again - when does the leap occur? i know you don't just wake up one day and find yourself doing the work you love - spending your days, immersed in that one special thing that makes you feel alive! & bringing home a paycheck to boot. one can spend years, lifetimes, even, toiling away at work that fills the bank account, all the while draining the spirit.
it's a very western question as well. here in this privileged corner of the world, where an entire generation has been permitted the requisite means to twiddle their thumbs in twain and ponder the immortal question "what am i to do with my life?" whilst people are struggling merely for survival - a place to sleep, a drink of clean water, a moment of reprieve from the devastation that surrounds them. Makes the quest for a meaningful vocation seem almost ludicrous, vain, elitist.
but the question remains. if you find yourself so blessed to live in that lucky corner of the world where there is food in your belly, shelter for your bones, & thoughts a plenty for your head - and time to ponder that incessant query - WHAT TO DO - perhaps the time has come. Just go ahead and... l-E-A-p......cease pretending. and like pinocchio, echo that sacred prayer... please. make me REAL.