things to remember...
~the absolutely delicious coffee served in little porcelain cups at every little cafe that lines the street
~a little irish pub with scattered newspapers and half-full ashtrays with the lilting lovely sounds of a man and his guitar humming wistfully in the background..
~the opera house - yes, just as large and lovely and luminous as every postcard would have you believe. simply stunning. i sat in a toilet stall and stared in joy and amazement at the architechtural grandeur around me...
~the warmth and glow of "very english" looking faces buzzing around pints of "old admiral" and "3 sheets" and plates of "pie" - mashed potatoes and peas and gravy in flaky crust - smiling scrumptuously in the brasserie - oldest hotel in sydney - and my new favorite place
~the rain and bookshops and smiles and love made in a small creaky bed and a bowl of very good noodles chased down with a glass of equally good wine....
things to forget...
~a wicked evil argument brewed over a heap of spicy fish cakes - half fuming/half sobbing the two and half blocks back to the hotel...
~the look on the face of the one you love after you have shared words you know you oughtn't
~who is the better traveler? me or him? for all his talk, he sometimes seems a step behind...
~and that's it - for now - the very mixed bag - all fodder for the ongoing conversation... and on to see what shall last... and is better left behind...