well. in a perfect world, my last post in hawai'i would be full of wit and wisdom and plentiful bursts of splendid rememberances. as it is, my head's too full of sleep and cleaning fluid to come up with anything too remarkable. such as it is...
i will miss this place.
i will miss waking up to a waterfall streaming thru my backyard.
i will miss night swimming
and having 37 thai restaurants to choose from
and karaoke
and driving for 6 hours in a continuous direction and ending up exactly where you started...
i will miss pupus and poke
i will miss rain but not vog
i will miss a million little things that i cannot even think to mention right now..
i will miss the people who have made this experience what it is for me
so many splendid shining faces whose images i know will stay with me long after i have left this place.
i look forward to snow and seasons and sweaters and tall, tall trees
but i know when the plane takes off tomorrow morning - i shall miss that indescribable feeling - that sensation my teacher refers to as peering out over the water and the 'aina - and know a part of you - is coming home.
soooo... a hui hou, my jungle home.
i'll be seeing you......... until we meet again...